I have been following the COVID situation in Shanghai lately. Intentionally or not, it is surprisingly hard to find a daily chart to reflect the proper case numbers overthere. To solve this problem, I decided to build a webapp just does exactly that: a simple chart the displays Shanghai daily COVID cases that includes both symptomatic and asymptomatic cases.
The overall design includes a backend API that provides daily numbers in JSON format, and a front-end page that presents the data in the form of an area chart.
To start, I created the backend API using Cloudflare Worker. Cloudflare provided a very detailed document for this exact purpose. I simply follow the first half of this document to build up my API. There are a few small issues you might run into if you try to follow the exact steps described in the document. Let me highlight them for you here.
Install wrangler
The official document indicates to use npm i @cloudflare/wrangler -g
, which can cause permission issue in Linux. Instead, use yarn global add @cloudflare/wrangler
to install the package.
Setup GitHub Pages for Front-end
The Cloudflare document provides steps to deploy the Front-end with Cloudflare Pages service. Which in my case is not possible, as Page in my account has already configured for this very blog. A great alternative is GitHub Pages (Yes, I know. Another “Pages”, people need to be more creative in naming their products). Here are the steps I took to set the repo up.
Create the project in GitHub Repo
Nothing fancy here, just create a public
repo as per usual. Initial the repo with npx create-react-app .
and then start coding.
Configure GitHub Pages
Install gh-pages
as part of the dev packages with yarn add -d gh-pages
will automatically create the gh-branch
which hosts the post-build files that ready to be published through GitHub Pages.
In package.json
, add following lines:
"name": "shanghai-rona-front",
+ "homepage": "https://shanghaicovid.xyz",
"version": "0.1.0",
"scripts": {
+ "predeploy": "yarn build",
+ "deploy": "gh-pages -d build",
"start": "react-scripts start",
Setup Custom Domain
By default GitHub Pages use the foo.github.io/project-name
as the public domain name. To change this, first create a CNAME record for www.shanghaicovid.xyz
in Cloudflare and point it to tomkingchen.github.io
. Next, create a txt file named as CNAME
and save it in ./public
folder along with other static files in the folder.
In the file, simply put in the custom domain name.
The file will be picked up by gh-pages
during deploy process.
Publish the site
To publish the React site, we run yarn deploy
which will kick off the local build and update gh-pages
branch. Once that’s done, run git push
to push the local branch to GitHub. GitHub will then configure Pages based on contents in the gh-pages
Setup CICD using GitHub Actions
One of the advantages to use GitHub Pages is we can automate the CICD build using GitHub Actions. To do so, create .github/workflows/
folder. Create a deploy.yml
file in it. Below are the steps I use in my pipeline. The only tricky bit is how to push changes to gh-pages
branch within the pipeline. Fortuantely I found this ghaction-github-pages
action does exactly that.
name: Deploy
on: [push, pull_request]
name: Deploy GitHub Page
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timeout-minutes: 30
- name: Checkout Repo
uses: actions/checkout@master
- name: Setup Node.js 16.14.0
uses: actions/setup-node@master
node-version: 16.14.0
- name: Install Dependencies
run: yarn --frozen-lockfile
- run: yarn build
- name: Deploy
uses: crazy-max/ghaction-github-pages@v1
target_branch: gh-pages
build_dir: build
Source Code
You can find the front-end source code from here
Last modified on 2022-04-20