Recently I had the need to create a Lambda function with PowerShell 7. The function is to synchronize data between two REST APIs. It’s fairly simple, but does need to use a custom made module. I spent quite bit time to find out how to deploy PowerShell Lambdas with custom modules. Thought might write a guide to help people want to do the same. My script is fairly simple, it gets a list of users from one API and then convert it to a XML format object and export into the target API.
Finally, PowerShell 7 is now GA! As a heavy WSL user, I was keen to see how some of its new features will work in WSL1 (Ubuntu 4.4.0-18362-Microsoft). Below are the tests I have done.
Installation in WSL
Download the binary from Github repo to a local folder /usr/share/powershell
sudo wget Untar the file
sudo tar xzvf powershell-7.0.0-linux-x64.tar.gz
Add path for your shell
export PATH=/usr/share/PowerShell:$PATH
Reload .bashrc
source .bashrc
We recently have the need to cutover our AWS Direct Connects to a different vendor. In order to carry out the change, I was tasked to find a way to monitor Direct Connect connectivities to our on premise network from our hundreds of VPCs in AWS.
After some discussion with our network engineers and security team, the solution I end up using is to deploy a single EC2 instance into each those VPCs that has a connection to VGW.
Say you have a bunch of Windows servers hosted in AWS. The VPC they are in does not have VPN or Direct Connect connect back to your on premse network. Expose RDP port through public IP for these Windows servers is a very good way to get hacked. So how can we securely connect to the servers in this kind setup?
Fortunately we have SSM for the rescue. In August, AWS announced a new feature for SSM Session Manager, which allows us to securely create tunnels between your EC2 instances deployed in private subnets and your local machine.
I was recently involved in a data center migration project, which used VMware SRM (Site Recovery Manager) as the migration tool to move virtual machines between 3 DCs. The diagram below shows how the setup looks like. The version of SRM is 8.1.
[SiteA] <—-> [SiteB] <—-> [SiteC]
VMware documentation refer the above scenario as Shared Recovery Site. For each site-pair, you will need to deploy individual SRM server to ensure the SRM Plug-in ID is unique to that pair.